Friday, May 25, 2007


So I graduated on Monday. It's really weird to think I won't be going back to the high school as a student. I felt the same way about elementery and middle school, so I'm sure it won't be weird for too long.

It wasn't nearly as long as I had thought it would be. The names were a little out of order, so it made it a little harder to count down and get excited about it being over. When I got up there, my mind kind of went blank. I don't know why, it's not like a really had to do anything. But knowing that my family and friends were cheering for me felt really good.

Later, waiting for everyone else to graduate, I let myself look around. There was this guy with a camera on the side. I gave a little smile because that's what I do when I make eye contact with people. He started taking pictures. So I continued to sit and smile. When he was finished, he walked over to our row. "I'm from the newspaper, can I get your names," The awkward thing was, he wasn't talking to me, but the three people next to me. I laughed, because, you know, it was funny.

So now Monday is past and I have my diploma. It's right here, a little symbol of my grade school career.

And, that's really it. So... Anyone see the Heroes finale?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Customer service for idiots

The following is sort of reused from an email that I wrote to my cousin today, so excuse the semi email language and lack of eloquence.

We saw these weird merpeople figures in a store at john's pass when my Opa was here. We were walking and my sister and I saw this merman with a martini and thought it was funny so we took a picture with my cell phone. My cousin is a collector, so we decided to send it to her for laughs (she mostly likes the classic mermaids). Then we decided to go inside and look around. There was this whole mermaid display , so we took another pic. Then my sister looked up and saw this HUGE gold merman. It was really cool looking, (a little more classic looking than the others) I said "Woah, take a picture of that one!" And she was about to get it when the store woman came up and said "You know, it's not store policy to let customers take pictures of the merchandise," Opa was there so he said, "Yes, but they're just taking a picture to send to someone who actually collects mermaid figures,"
"But you can't. It's the owner's rule," It almost sounds resonable when it's typed out but, it was the tone. Then Opa says something and walks away but my sister and I stay to look at the rest of the figures. Right behind me the woman says to another cashier: "I've never taken a picture in a store. Its like a museum, you just don't do it," Kelsey and I stopped looking and left the store. I mean come on. We were right there. Do they not have any common sense? You don't insult potential customers, that's customer service for idiots. What if we were sending it to a person who was going to buy a bunch of stuff? We weren't, but it's the point. Right. that's it for that post, the first in a series of weird anticdotes as of late.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Writing, time, and bookshelves

So I've been a little stuck with my writing. I really want to start something new, but I don't know what. I've tried sitting and typing whatever comes to mind, but that didn't tun out too well. I've got a bunch of ideas, but I'm not sure about them. They're okay, but I don't know if anyone else would enjoy them. I was talking to a few people recently and they said to keep my audience in mind. Then it hit me. I have to have a target audience. I don't stick to a specific genre. I go almost everywhere. Is there an everywhere section in the bookstore? I want to say I'm writing for people like me, but how many people like the same things I do? When I put it that way, it sounds like a stupid question...

Anyway, a couple of ideas I've been toying with have to do with traveling to different worlds. but when I think of that, I think of the science fiction section. And I don't think it fits there. A bunch of the stuff there is kind of dark and creepy and its hard to find the actualy treasures in that section. They need to make a seperate section for fantasy, not lump it in with sci-fi.

I'm reading Outlander right now. It's got time travel in it, but that's totaly different than world traveling. I don't mind reading about time travel, but I could never write about it. There's too many holes in all of the time-traveling theories and I'd end up obsessing over those holes. You know the show Heroes? They had a 5 years in the future episode and even that confused me for a little bit. Ever heard of the Steven King book/ movie the langaliers? Its about these people who fall asleep on an airplane and somehow go through a rip into the past. Turns out the past is empty. Its happened and over and there's nothing anyone can do about it. So they're alone in time. So what happens to the past? The fuzzy black things eat it. It's gone. So now the people have to get back to reality and stop the crazy paper-ripping-guy from killing people. But that's not the point. The point is, it's easier to think that the past has happened and there's nothing you can do about it. It's not as creative, but it's less of a headache. And the future? It hasn't happened yet and we haven't made the choices yet. That's my time theory.

Anyway, if anyone reads this, let me know what you think about my fantasy genre dilema.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

This is my new blog. I've wanted to start a new one for awhile, but I didn't think I had the time. Turns out, creating the blog was easier than creating a myspace/livejournal. Anyway, now that I have it, I have to figure out what to do with it. For awhile I really wanted to do a video blog. The biggest problem with that is I don't know how. yeah, I know I could figure it out, but I'm not sure I feel like it.

Vlog or blog, I still have to figure out what to do with it. I'm not sure I want to do another plain journal. That's what lj's for. I want a popular blog! One that people read! Again, easier said than done. I'll work on it.
Brand new blog! More to come.