Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hello friends. Before I begin today, I want you do something for me. Comment. You don't have to be registered to comment, just do it please so that I know if I need to tell people about my blog again and because I'm curious. that is all. Hardly a 5 page paper on Gothic literature that I really don't want to write, but have to before Tuesday. The paper is like a little cloud above my head. I know what you're thinking, just do the paper and get it over with. I'm afraid it's not that simple. Ok, it is, but I really don't feel like doing it. Gothic literature makes me fidgety in the first place. Analyzing it just adds to it. I don't wanna write about the freaking yellow wallpaper! I don't like it!

I presented a speech today. I think it went very well. I got a 95, so I guess it did go well. It was about anything I wanted, so I talked about the wonders of reading and writing.

Our show is in full swing rehersal and cast wise and it's going to be great. So come see, it'll be super fun! Yes, I did say super fun.

I have an eye apointment tomorrow. I want contacts. I was running to class ltike a dork today because I was running late and my lens popped out again. I'll have to get over my eyeball phobia, but I think it'll be worth it.

Writing is going nicely. I'm ready to introduce a new character. Everyone say hello to John. He's very special.

Well, I'm going to go whine about my paper a little more before I work on my story or watch TV, putting the dumb thing off till tomorrow. Later!

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