Monday, October 20, 2008


It's been a long time hasn't it? Well, not really, but it feels like it to me and that's what counts because this is my blog.

So my Rays are going to the world series and I am very proud of my boys. I really do love them all, even when I am yelling at them on the TV. It's odd. I never saw myself as a sports fan until this baseball season. I went to a baseball game on a whim and fell in love with it. Baseball is really such a cool sport. It realies on strategy more than you think. The players have to be quick and extremly athletic, but they have to be able to think on their feet in order to execute a double play. And I never put so much thought into pitching before. Watching the game the other night, a commentator mentioned that Price threw a higher ball to change the batter's eyes angle. I thought about it and how it really worked. It really is interesting. It's like a chess game. With super hot guys who jump on each other when they win. I'm totally kidding. But only kind of if that makes any sense. Anyway, I'm tired, so I'll leave the blog alone for right now. Maybe more later. Peace.


Justin said...

Huzzah! Lauren has posted again!

I do agree that it's a fantastic strategy game, but I roll my eyes when people call it a sport. I'm not sure what to call it, but it drives me crazy when there's action for only 10% of the time, if that.

Unknown said...

yay!! A new post!!! i do agree that it is a a great sport but just remember how much money those guys are getting paid. not trying to say you shouldn't go to games or enjoy watching it, but they should be doing a great job, considering the money they make. (yes I know the rays were at the bottom of the payroll, but that will change). Nice to know that I'm not the only person to yell at the tv. lol (although it is very hard to imagine you yelling at a tv.) haha